You might be concerned about giving your credit card details over the Internet while online shopping. And you ought to be. Fortunately. Customers rarely find themselves liable for Internet fraud since it's the merchants and credit card companies pick up the tab
Follow these basic guidelines and you can shop online with confidence
1. Shop on Reputed & Secure websites.
It’s always better to use trusted and well known sites rather then unfamiliar ones. If you know the site, it’s more likely that it’s not a rip off. If you don’t know the site, do a little research online before committing to buy something. Look for user reviews and check if there are any reports of scams.
2. Check if website has a security settings.
Before buying something online always look if the site has SSL (secure sockets layer). You’ll know if the site is secure if it’s URL starts with https:// (instead of usual http://) and it has a small lock in the lower right corner of the browser.
3. Keep you PC safe.
The best way how to protect your computer against maleware is to use a good security program and remember to update it regularly.
4. Use a credit card instead of a debit card.
Usually credit card has a spending limit and it offers a higher level of protection with the right to charge back. Don’t forget to check your credit card statement frequently to see if there are no suspicious charges made recently.
5. Protect your private information.
Carefully read website’s privacy policy to understand how your personal, private information will be used. If the site doesn’t have a privacy policy, it could mean that the site intends to sell your personal information to third parties.
Carefully read website’s privacy policy to understand how your personal, private information will be used. If the site doesn’t have a privacy policy, it could mean that the site intends to sell your personal information to third parties.
The Internet is a great place to shop. Be attentive and follow these basic guidelines, so you can shop online without worries.
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