Saturday, August 25, 2012

Increasing purchases on mobiles – Bridge a gap with online shopping

Use of mobiles for online shopping , Banking, or any Transactions is growing tremendously!

As per some website reviews, research, experiences and study, its significant that the increasing use of mobile phones is resulting in sophisticated mobile consumer behaviours. Online shopping on mobiles is already become a trend and within the reach of common man.
So now its just too much of a trouble to get dressed and go pick what you need or turning on the laptop is time-consuming for any purchases.

Nowadays it’s all about the mobile phones; how one can use it take videos, record calls, wake you up, take pictures, entertain you, edit pictures, help you shop online besides taking wise shopping decisions. Looking at this trend getting so popular, one may not be surprise if the mobile commerce sales double or triple as compared to $11.6 billion projected this year in the US.

 The e-commerce and digital marketer Acquity Group, are witnessing a revolution from the traditional retailer-driven B2C shopping model to a mostly consumer-driven C2B retail model where the balance of power derived from instantaneous access, just in time information, and hyper-connected social influence gives consumers the upper hand in the purchase process.

Normally consumers visit and research a product in the store. Here they can touch and feel it, then the purchase is done where there are better deals to be found. So in a gist, the retail store becomes a product showroom for large e-commerce sites.
While online shopping could be linked to either Internet or mobile shopping. though the technology for mobiles is behind that of computers.

The mobile shopping experience as always great for gadget freaks!! It serves an additive to the retail experience so mobile commerce will always out grow.